Your Own Acne Care

Acne Products And Skin Care

To pop or not to pop? Well, I am referring to those acne. It is tempting, because you just want it to go away. Popping it will not always cause scarring, but only pop when it is ripe and ready! Otherwise, the skin can become more irritated if you continue to pick at it, then a scab will form and more bacteria has been spread as well, leaving you with a bigger mess than you had to begin with! Moreover, it might leave you an acne scar too. If you must pop, you should wash your face with warm water and cleanser and remove all makeup, and of course, wash your hands too!

Try to avoid using your fingernails because dirt can be trapped beneath which will be introduced to the open skin when popping and it will spread germs. Use a tissue to apply pressure or a tool specifically designed for this purpose (available at most cosmetic supply retailers). Stop after pus has been expelled and if nothing comes out, this will just create further irritation.

There are many different acne treatments available, some work and some do not. If your acne is severe, it would be wise to consult a Dermatologist, who can prescribe a treatment plan with tailored made acne products to lessen the number of outbreaks, and subsequent scarring. The most common acne product in most acne treatments is 2.5% Benzyl Peroxide, which can be very effective for mild to moderate acne in combination with regular gentle cleansing of the skin.

There are also many websites dedicated to various acne treatments that provide a wealth of information for the acne sufferer. For those who have severe cases, Antibiotics or Retin-A may also be added to the treatment regimen. Whatever type of acne you suffer from, no matter if it is mild or severe, it is possible to have your skin clean. Start now and send acne on its way, forever!

Acne will not get you any dates, which is highly for sure. Teenagers abhor it, and adult sufferers do not embrace it either. As most teenage girls will attest, pimples arise at the most inopportune moments, which can be anytime on any given day for them. Acne affects self-esteem, self worth, and self-identity, and can turn a once outgoing person into a recluse.

Additionally, there are different types of acne that occur on the body, and not just on the face, which is the most common. Acne, commonly known as Pimples, Zits, Whiteheads, or Blackheads, start to form in hair follicles or pores when the oil or sebum is trapped beneath the skin surface causing bacteria to form.

Acne can be mild or severe, which is called acne vulgaris, and can cause disfiguration and severe scarring. Again, it is important to keep hands off, and if you must, wash the area and your hands first. If you are successful in expelling any of the gooey ingredients, be careful not to spread it to surrounding areas where it can cause another eruption and it will add more problems to your skin.

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